This just in: an accident?
and Toro tried to drink my coffee again
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
day 3-4
to wake up to more news of the Israelies intent on bombing the life out of Hamas (and any tiny unlikely reservoirs of good-will the cease-fire created) and marshalling the rest of the Mid East (maybe not Egypt) against them. Can you say disproportionate retaliation? And of course, international condemnation means nothing to Israel since big brother is standing behind it.
Several things to think about:-
i. the obvious humanitarian crisis - access to already limited medical supplies and basic goods, thanks to the blockade in place prior to the most recent raids compounded by the bombing of the Gaza-Egypt tunnels
ii. more regional instability - not just Israel-Arab, but also Sunni-Shiite
iii. Hamas' status & future - not just as terrorist organization but also an arguably legitimate government
iv. WTH, Olmert and Barak? Is this a way to redirect internal politicking to an external enemy - Feb 2009 elections
v. UN Security Council and the UN as a whole - its actual capacity to broker peace and exert influence in the shadow of the US (again)
Ugh, I should stop monitoring the news.
Several things to think about:-
i. the obvious humanitarian crisis - access to already limited medical supplies and basic goods, thanks to the blockade in place prior to the most recent raids compounded by the bombing of the Gaza-Egypt tunnels
ii. more regional instability - not just Israel-Arab, but also Sunni-Shiite
iii. Hamas' status & future - not just as terrorist organization but also an arguably legitimate government
iv. WTH, Olmert and Barak? Is this a way to redirect internal politicking to an external enemy - Feb 2009 elections
v. UN Security Council and the UN as a whole - its actual capacity to broker peace and exert influence in the shadow of the US (again)
Ugh, I should stop monitoring the news.
If you haven't seen it yet, check out the NY Times slideshow of the year in pictures.
A picture paints a thousand words - go to the politics slideshow, bear with the slow loading time (gracias Streamyx), and compare the shots of Obama (a sliver of light falling on his smiling face in profile, American flag in the background), McCain (1. his back to the camera, talking to a small crowd and juxtaposed against a portrait of what might be an early parliamentary session or the founding fathers etc. 2. being interviewed, a dim yellow light on him and his wife, looking tired and slightly baffled as if he's thinking 'why would I want to lead this party?'), Clinton (1. in profile, framed bya white screen against the setting sun, 2. her feet, flanked by Chelsea on the left and Bill, looking rhapsodic on the left, 3. bending awkwardly, smiling forcedly), Palin and McCain (standing next to each other, looking in oppsite directions).
It's easy enough to understand the message each of the 160 pictures convey (I'm only up to no.39 now, again, thank you Streamyx). Obama as ray of hope, saviour. McCain as isolated maverick (hehehe.. Palin, Tina Fey.. hehehe) surrounded on all sides, Clinton clownish and pushed on by 42, Palin the joke, revitalising and polarising force. Brilliant and evocative (even if biased) photography from the Times photographers as always.
And however Obama handles the next four years to come, he cuts an elegant figure as president-elect.
A picture paints a thousand words - go to the politics slideshow, bear with the slow loading time (gracias Streamyx), and compare the shots of Obama (a sliver of light falling on his smiling face in profile, American flag in the background), McCain (1. his back to the camera, talking to a small crowd and juxtaposed against a portrait of what might be an early parliamentary session or the founding fathers etc. 2. being interviewed, a dim yellow light on him and his wife, looking tired and slightly baffled as if he's thinking 'why would I want to lead this party?'), Clinton (1. in profile, framed bya white screen against the setting sun, 2. her feet, flanked by Chelsea on the left and Bill, looking rhapsodic on the left, 3. bending awkwardly, smiling forcedly), Palin and McCain (standing next to each other, looking in oppsite directions).
It's easy enough to understand the message each of the 160 pictures convey (I'm only up to no.39 now, again, thank you Streamyx). Obama as ray of hope, saviour. McCain as isolated maverick (hehehe.. Palin, Tina Fey.. hehehe) surrounded on all sides, Clinton clownish and pushed on by 42, Palin the joke, revitalising and polarising force. Brilliant and evocative (even if biased) photography from the Times photographers as always.
And however Obama handles the next four years to come, he cuts an elegant figure as president-elect.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Ipoh was good. I didn't overload on food this time around. The new house is gorgeous.
I miss the still of the silence, as you breathe out I breathe in
Thoughts of S have been echoing in my head for the past few days now. I wake up aching and wishing that life wasn't over, impossible as it was.
come on get higher and loosen my lips
It doesn't help that he appears to have a sixth sense about when I'm thinking about him, about us even if there never really was an 'us'.
pull me down hard
I wonder - are you unsatisfied that I didn't show interest in seeing you before I left? You were lucky - given enough sleep, I woke up in a good mood and sleep addled enough to answer your call.
I miss the pull of your heart, I taste the sparks on your tongue
But somehow, maybe I have too much time on my hands, maybe this maybe that, memories of the two of us together keep playing in my head. In the car, in the middle of conversations and meals, in bed before sleep.
I see angels and devils and god when you come
Everything I can remember of the conversations we had in bed, in your car, over coffee. Secrets, problems, the past and the future but never the present. The little admissions you forced out of me.
So enough already dear head
if I could make you believe, make you forget
I miss the still of the silence, as you breathe out I breathe in
Thoughts of S have been echoing in my head for the past few days now. I wake up aching and wishing that life wasn't over, impossible as it was.
come on get higher and loosen my lips
It doesn't help that he appears to have a sixth sense about when I'm thinking about him, about us even if there never really was an 'us'.
pull me down hard
I wonder - are you unsatisfied that I didn't show interest in seeing you before I left? You were lucky - given enough sleep, I woke up in a good mood and sleep addled enough to answer your call.
I miss the pull of your heart, I taste the sparks on your tongue
But somehow, maybe I have too much time on my hands, maybe this maybe that, memories of the two of us together keep playing in my head. In the car, in the middle of conversations and meals, in bed before sleep.
I see angels and devils and god when you come
Everything I can remember of the conversations we had in bed, in your car, over coffee. Secrets, problems, the past and the future but never the present. The little admissions you forced out of me.
So enough already dear head
if I could make you believe, make you forget
Saturday, December 27, 2008
mumble mumble grumble
this is because little miss E is complaining about the lack of posts. so here's what's been going on the past few weeks. pre-caffeine at that, no less (see what I do for you!)
1. KL irritates the life out of me. It's like having a fat, painful blister between your toes, chipping nail polish, boy problems, split ends, and being in a constant state of hunger all at the same time. Times ten. The general lack of civility, intelligence, eye candy, etc gets to me.
2. I'm off to Ipoh today for an overnight eating trip with the usual suspects. Which is the only reason I'm awake this early.
3. When I'm not half-heartedly browsing the online job sites (really don't know what I want to do now. fuck.), I'm cooking stuff, eating stuff, going out, bumming, or day dreaming. Still haven't sent out a summary of my research findings, mainly because I've been too lazy to look it over and send it off.
4. I'm trying to shrug off the attentions of not one but two of my idiot male friends (one of whom is the one you helped by giving out the Syd address) gently but firmly. Not easy. I might have to outright ignore them for a month or so. I don't know. Give me coffee.
5. The dogs are as psychotic, clever, dufus-ish, and adorable. Didi acts like a human and has the intelligence of at least a 5 year old child - she knows how the gates and doors open/ latch.
6. I'm hungry now. Time for a caffeine shot. More when I get back. Happy? Twit, I blog more than you do.
1. KL irritates the life out of me. It's like having a fat, painful blister between your toes, chipping nail polish, boy problems, split ends, and being in a constant state of hunger all at the same time. Times ten. The general lack of civility, intelligence, eye candy, etc gets to me.
2. I'm off to Ipoh today for an overnight eating trip with the usual suspects. Which is the only reason I'm awake this early.
3. When I'm not half-heartedly browsing the online job sites (really don't know what I want to do now. fuck.), I'm cooking stuff, eating stuff, going out, bumming, or day dreaming. Still haven't sent out a summary of my research findings, mainly because I've been too lazy to look it over and send it off.
4. I'm trying to shrug off the attentions of not one but two of my idiot male friends (one of whom is the one you helped by giving out the Syd address) gently but firmly. Not easy. I might have to outright ignore them for a month or so. I don't know. Give me coffee.
5. The dogs are as psychotic, clever, dufus-ish, and adorable. Didi acts like a human and has the intelligence of at least a 5 year old child - she knows how the gates and doors open/ latch.
6. I'm hungry now. Time for a caffeine shot. More when I get back. Happy? Twit, I blog more than you do.
Friday, December 26, 2008
It's both funny and terrible that even as my memories of him fade and blur, memories of you remain - persistent and complex.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
zzz.. ZZT
For two or three nights in a row now I've been having the strangest, most perverse dreams. Now I'm not going to bore you by giving a blow by blow account of the different dreams so I'll just say that they're very Sade (the Marquis, not the popular singer) and Bataille-esque. Really disruptive and disturbing. Although I don't put much weight in dreams (my explanation is that they are your brain's way of making sense of random neurons firing. see what I do with a bit of PSYC1001? shoo Freud) these are bugging the life out of me because for one, I almost never remember my dreams - all this year dreams have evaded me, making for very good sleep, even during the most turbulent periods - and for two, these bizzaro scenarios keep waking me up with a jolt in the middle of the night, making it difficult for me to get back to sleep. And when I do manage to drift off again, it's only to have another disturbing dream. Which shocks me back into the waking, middle of the night world.
I'm not loving this. And I'm not going to narrate the dreams either. The last thing I want to do is to delve into my subconscious mind or even my brain's chosen method of decoding random neuron movement. thbbpt
I'm not loving this. And I'm not going to narrate the dreams either. The last thing I want to do is to delve into my subconscious mind or even my brain's chosen method of decoding random neuron movement. thbbpt
Thursday, December 11, 2008
sometime in July/ August
I got on to the first bus to Central passing through Surry Hills. It was packed with a mish mash of commuters. Slightly dozey after my meal, I allow my thoughts to drift along unfocused, observing the people around me, the PDAs of the young couple a few feet down amusing me. A minute or so in, a man sitting opposite me catches my eye. He seems to be sharing my thoughts and smiles quietly at me. Caught off guard, the corners of my mouth curve upwards ever so slightly. I look away, slightly embarrassed, only glance back seconds later and find him still smiling at me. This continues for several minutes, each time our smiles widen until we’re almost laughing together 4 feet apart. All this without saying a word. I like the fact that he doesn’t appear to be undressing me mentally and it’s a pure expression of friendliness. A shared if silent joke. The passengers around us are eyeing the two of us curiously and the old man next to him looks at us as if we are crazy. The bus reaches its final stop and I rush off first. There are too many things going on in my life as it is. It’s time to slip back into city mode and I walk quickly. Armour up.
Monday, December 08, 2008
day 4
It's funny being back here. It's like I've slipped into a time warp or into an alternate universe where people still act a particular way. Slightly awkward conversations that skim around the subject, people hinting at emotions I really don't want them to have. Ugh. Must we do this again? It feels unfamiliar. Unsubtle hints instead of head on admissions. How do you head these things off, I forget.
Asian sensibilities will be the death of me. snark.
Asian sensibilities will be the death of me. snark.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
thursday morning
I haven’t been able to stop sneezing since I woke up. Preemptive allergy kicking in. Hatchoo!
It’s a strange feeling, looking around this room – walls bare, table cleared, shelves empty. It occurred to me last night as I wiped the walls of the room that it was partially symbolic as well as a physical act; rubbing away the borders that form around posters and papers stuck on a surface but also erasing all traces of myself from these four walls, removing a life. It’s all gone now; packed up into suitcases, in boxes crossing the ocean, thrown out as trash.
“Come back to KL, your life is here”
True, my life is there. But I have had many lives, one of which has been here.
These four walls have borne witness to this life. Here I have laughed, cried, fallen in love, fallen out of love, raged, mourned, celebrated, fucked, fought. It is possible that I have lived more fully here than anywhere else, fraught as this life has been with demons, sometimes of my own design. This past year particularly has been rich in experiences and challenges. Compared to 2008, 2005 through to 2007 was a breeze. Smooth sailing indeed. You know how they say you grow in spurts and not in continuous smooth motion? This year has seemed like a spurt to me. Maybe it has been and maybe my judgement is currently clouded by the proximity of it. I wouldn’t be able to put my finger on any changes if I tried. We will see.
In an hour I’ll go to uni for the last time to hand over my keys and to return some books. C is coming over at 1 to send me to the airport. This is really it, the last day here.
I don’t expect this to be easy with KL being what it is and me being who I am. That place has always stifled me and having been away these four years has made it seem ever more oppressive with each holiday back. This time it won’t be a holiday, it will be the return to that life, or the start of a different one. Whichever it is, it will be different from this.
It’s a strange feeling, looking around this room – walls bare, table cleared, shelves empty. It occurred to me last night as I wiped the walls of the room that it was partially symbolic as well as a physical act; rubbing away the borders that form around posters and papers stuck on a surface but also erasing all traces of myself from these four walls, removing a life. It’s all gone now; packed up into suitcases, in boxes crossing the ocean, thrown out as trash.
“Come back to KL, your life is here”
True, my life is there. But I have had many lives, one of which has been here.
These four walls have borne witness to this life. Here I have laughed, cried, fallen in love, fallen out of love, raged, mourned, celebrated, fucked, fought. It is possible that I have lived more fully here than anywhere else, fraught as this life has been with demons, sometimes of my own design. This past year particularly has been rich in experiences and challenges. Compared to 2008, 2005 through to 2007 was a breeze. Smooth sailing indeed. You know how they say you grow in spurts and not in continuous smooth motion? This year has seemed like a spurt to me. Maybe it has been and maybe my judgement is currently clouded by the proximity of it. I wouldn’t be able to put my finger on any changes if I tried. We will see.
In an hour I’ll go to uni for the last time to hand over my keys and to return some books. C is coming over at 1 to send me to the airport. This is really it, the last day here.
I don’t expect this to be easy with KL being what it is and me being who I am. That place has always stifled me and having been away these four years has made it seem ever more oppressive with each holiday back. This time it won’t be a holiday, it will be the return to that life, or the start of a different one. Whichever it is, it will be different from this.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
I'm spending the day packing up the last many bits lying around my room. The people from the shipping company are coming in another hour or two to pick up the two boxes of books and miscellaneous items. Everything else which can't fit into my luggage is going to be left behind until April.
I'm already compiling a list of places to visit in April. La Perouse for the fish and chips I had yesterday, easily the best I've had in memory (which might not be saying much considering my memory storage but it was good), bills, mundo gelato, ichi ban boshi (maybe).
I feel like yanking out every last blonde/ copper hair on my head. They are bugging me today. Who messed with my follicles?
I'm already compiling a list of places to visit in April. La Perouse for the fish and chips I had yesterday, easily the best I've had in memory (which might not be saying much considering my memory storage but it was good), bills, mundo gelato, ichi ban boshi (maybe).
I feel like yanking out every last blonde/ copper hair on my head. They are bugging me today. Who messed with my follicles?
Monday, December 01, 2008
should i buy this dress?
Brunch at bills turned into lunch at Pancakes. Undercaffeinated, I forgot that the 372 didn't pass through Foveaux and we had to walk up Crown. And when we got there the wait for a table turned out to be 20 minutes. Hungry people don't like to wait. Even if it's for creamy scrambled eggs. And I still hadn't had coffee so it seemed like taking the bus to Circ Quay would take less time. So Pancakes it was, for eggs benedict with a buttemilk pancake instead of toast. (Btw, I decided that if, IF forced to choose a single cuisine to eat from, I would choose all day breakfasts. Yes, I know it's not a cuisine per se, rather a subsection of one but it's perfect! Eggs any way, pastries, pancakes, bacon, sausages, toast, tomatoes, mushrooms, coffee, juice, and table loads of other stuff - all good. My cousin would go Japanese, which would be my second choice.)
Erm. Where was I?
At the Rocks market:
squeek! cold!
"Can you imagine if I hadn't been standing in front and you went 'eee! cold!' to a stranger?"
I wandered off to stand in a patch of sunlight. Freak weather, it's usually sweltering at this time of the year.
The man wearing a cape and crown holding a scepter of stuffed toys waved at the cars stopped at the junction as he crossed the road. While I skittered through the shade and waited in the sunny spots until we hit Pitt. hehehe. hit pitt.
Myer was less packed than usual, maybe cause it was a Sunday. Which made for easy shopping. Buying lingerie always makes me happy. And there was a discount on pleasure state. And you get much nicer things here than in KL. Excuses, excuses.
Unfortunately the dress I tried out fit perfectly. Unfortunately it costs 250. Unfortunately, I'm obsessing over it. It's black, silk satin, above the knee, fitted at the waist, scoop/round neck. Nothing flashy or unusual but it is classic. What think you? The photo quality is crap but you get the picture.
Erm. Where was I?
At the Rocks market:
squeek! cold!
"Can you imagine if I hadn't been standing in front and you went 'eee! cold!' to a stranger?"
I wandered off to stand in a patch of sunlight. Freak weather, it's usually sweltering at this time of the year.
The man wearing a cape and crown holding a scepter of stuffed toys waved at the cars stopped at the junction as he crossed the road. While I skittered through the shade and waited in the sunny spots until we hit Pitt. hehehe. hit pitt.
Myer was less packed than usual, maybe cause it was a Sunday. Which made for easy shopping. Buying lingerie always makes me happy. And there was a discount on pleasure state. And you get much nicer things here than in KL. Excuses, excuses.
Unfortunately the dress I tried out fit perfectly. Unfortunately it costs 250. Unfortunately, I'm obsessing over it. It's black, silk satin, above the knee, fitted at the waist, scoop/round neck. Nothing flashy or unusual but it is classic. What think you? The photo quality is crap but you get the picture.
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