Monday, March 30, 2009


I have a confession to make.
I am a language snob. Unless the writer is someone I know personally, bad writing sends me running. Or squawking. If I cannot comprehend a paragraph, not because it's been written GGMarquez-Autumn of the Patriarch-style but because it is fragmented, incoherent, or just downright rubbishy, I'll close the page and never go back. Okay, I might open it again once in a while to see if it's still bad but then I'll shudder and kick myself again.
There really isn't a point to this post, I just felt like complaining.

Oh, and S offered to pick me up from the airport when I arrive on the 13th. I don't know. April is a day away and it's making me fidgety.

whatever. time to scour the web for information again.

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