Wednesday, September 03, 2008

a gripe

shoot me.

political agency
translation of norms from the international arena to the local level
power relations
state-civil society nexus
inadequacies of civil socety
historical contingency

this is what I'm talking about? fuck me, I'm giving myself permanent headache and setting myself up for a lifetime of poverty. seriously who would hire an Arts student who decides to launch on a critique of both the state and civil society. fine, I could be an academic and sit in the ivory tower and make incisive critiques that no one but other academics would ever bother with but that would require more of this. every convoluted, 5 line long sentence that get teased and tortured out of my head makes me grimace. Because they are convoluted, 5 line long sentences which convey judgements I may not even be in a position to make.

this thing has a life of its own.

should have done taken the Wittgenstein approach and said that none of this is real because there's no such thing as theory. therefore civil society does not exist. it is an abstract notion that has no relation to reality. norms do not exist. the state is a figment of the imagination. ugh. can't do that. Wittgenstein = GK = nutter.
plus I'm doing grounded theory. not just any old theory.

I should sleep on this and come back to it tomorrow but I'm too wired from the coffee I just had. this is fucking with my sleep patterns to the point that I'm confused by it. not that that's hard to do.
I want someone to play with. kidding kidding! (beinggoodbeinggood, E)
no time for that anyway >(

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