Tuesday, December 30, 2008


If you haven't seen it yet, check out the NY Times slideshow of the year in pictures.
A picture paints a thousand words - go to the politics slideshow, bear with the slow loading time (gracias Streamyx), and compare the shots of Obama (a sliver of light falling on his smiling face in profile, American flag in the background), McCain (1. his back to the camera, talking to a small crowd and juxtaposed against a portrait of what might be an early parliamentary session or the founding fathers etc. 2. being interviewed, a dim yellow light on him and his wife, looking tired and slightly baffled as if he's thinking 'why would I want to lead this party?'), Clinton (1. in profile, framed bya white screen against the setting sun, 2. her feet, flanked by Chelsea on the left and Bill, looking rhapsodic on the left, 3. bending awkwardly, smiling forcedly), Palin and McCain (standing next to each other, looking in oppsite directions).

It's easy enough to understand the message each of the 160 pictures convey (I'm only up to no.39 now, again, thank you Streamyx). Obama as ray of hope, saviour. McCain as isolated maverick (hehehe.. Palin, Tina Fey.. hehehe) surrounded on all sides, Clinton clownish and pushed on by 42, Palin the joke, revitalising and polarising force. Brilliant and evocative (even if biased) photography from the Times photographers as always.
And however Obama handles the next four years to come, he cuts an elegant figure as president-elect.

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