Thursday, December 18, 2008

zzz.. ZZT

For two or three nights in a row now I've been having the strangest, most perverse dreams. Now I'm not going to bore you by giving a blow by blow account of the different dreams so I'll just say that they're very Sade (the Marquis, not the popular singer) and Bataille-esque. Really disruptive and disturbing. Although I don't put much weight in dreams (my explanation is that they are your brain's way of making sense of random neurons firing. see what I do with a bit of PSYC1001? shoo Freud) these are bugging the life out of me because for one, I almost never remember my dreams - all this year dreams have evaded me, making for very good sleep, even during the most turbulent periods - and for two, these bizzaro scenarios keep waking me up with a jolt in the middle of the night, making it difficult for me to get back to sleep. And when I do manage to drift off again, it's only to have another disturbing dream. Which shocks me back into the waking, middle of the night world.

I'm not loving this. And I'm not going to narrate the dreams either. The last thing I want to do is to delve into my subconscious mind or even my brain's chosen method of decoding random neuron movement. thbbpt

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