Thursday, December 11, 2008

sometime in July/ August

I got on to the first bus to Central passing through Surry Hills. It was packed with a mish mash of commuters. Slightly dozey after my meal, I allow my thoughts to drift along unfocused, observing the people around me, the PDAs of the young couple a few feet down amusing me. A minute or so in, a man sitting opposite me catches my eye. He seems to be sharing my thoughts and smiles quietly at me. Caught off guard, the corners of my mouth curve upwards ever so slightly. I look away, slightly embarrassed, only glance back seconds later and find him still smiling at me. This continues for several minutes, each time our smiles widen until we’re almost laughing together 4 feet apart. All this without saying a word. I like the fact that he doesn’t appear to be undressing me mentally and it’s a pure expression of friendliness. A shared if silent joke. The passengers around us are eyeing the two of us curiously and the old man next to him looks at us as if we are crazy. The bus reaches its final stop and I rush off first. There are too many things going on in my life as it is. It’s time to slip back into city mode and I walk quickly. Armour up.

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