Friday, October 03, 2008

signs of summer

bikinis (yay, skin!)
shorts and mini skirts and dresses instead of jeans
strawberries on the cheap, all the time

which naturally means that I eat a punnet a day (sometimes)

because they are that good. that red, that sweet, not even dipping them in dark chocolate tops these berries fresh and unadulterated


and yes, that is a package you see in the background. my cousin sent me a message two days ago - keep an eye out for the postman in a week!

it came today

and.. (now i know you'll scold me..)

this was in it

card telling me to hang in there

and the entire Zoya gossip collection

which completely satisfies all my hot-pink and purple cravings :) i know, i know..

plus Zoya ki, top coat, base coat, and quick dry drops

(photos taken with 1.3MP cameraphone so excuse the quality)

on another note, i was distracted by the presence of prawns (not dried, fresh and butterflied) in my papaya salad and wondering about the contents of my package. this is what happened

ooh prawns, i don't think they usually put prawns in papaya salad

(lifts a forkful of salad, briefly note red specks but continue pondering prawns)

munch munch munch

ow. shit. damn chilli. cili padi too

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